Tips To Repel And Eliminate Wasps In Your Yard This Summer
The weather is beginning to warm up and with it can bring a number of wasps to your backyard. Wasps can build nests in and around your home and yard and be a nuisance to you and your family, but here are some tips to help you repel and eliminate wasps in your yard.
Use Natural Repellents
Repelling wasps away from you and in your backyard is easy to do with natural repellents. First, grow plants in your yard which give off a scent that wasps don't like, such as eucalyptus, wormwood, spearmint, and thyme citronella. These plants smell good and grow into lush plants to bring diversity and beauty to your yard while keeping wasps from lingering.
You can also make a natural repellent spray to spray upon yourself when you are outside. This type of repellent spray contains essential oils and no chemicals that insect repellents sold in stores contain. Fill a spray bottle with water, then add several drops each of various types of repellent essential oils, such as clove, tea tree, pennyroyal, lemongrass, and geranium oil. Apply this spray to your skin and clothing for a wasp-free time in your backyard. You can also use the spray to cover your outdoor areas where you have had trouble with wasps.
Use Chemical-Free Elimination
You can make your own poison-free wasp trap, which you can place around your yard to help collect and kill wasps. Paint the outside of a plastic 2-liter bottle with yellow acrylic paint to help attract wasps. Cut off the top of the bottle and invert the top to place it inside the bottle.
On your stove, combine water and sugar in a saucepan until the mixture heats to dissolve the sugar. When it cools, remove the top from the plastic bottle's opening and pour the mixture into the bottle, then sprinkle some dry yeast inside the water and sugar mixture. Replace the inverted top into the bottle and secure it with tape.
Apply some vegetable oil to the inside of the inverted bottle top to make the inside slippery to help wasps fall into the mixture. The yeast inside the mixture will create and release carbon dioxide from the bottle, which attracts wasps. Once the wasps fall into the mixture, they won't be able to exit the bottle. Check the bottle frequently and empty it of any dead wasps.
You can also use soap and water to spray a wasp nest and kill the wasps inside. Mix some hot water with liquid dish soap and put it into a hose-end sprayer and attach it to your hose. Spray the mixture into a wasp nest from a safe distance. The soap in the spray breaks the water tension on the insect's bodies, which they rely on to remain waterproof, so the soap and water can clog up the wasp's spiracles breathing tubes and kill them.
Contact your local pest control services for more information.