Four Ways Landlords Can Deal With Bed Bug Infestations

22 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When a tenant reports the presence of bed bugs in one apartment, the landlord has a responsibility to take action. If you own an apartment building and are concerned about a bed bug infestation, here are some steps you can take.

Contact A Pest Control Expert

Contacting a pest control company, like Arab Termite and Pest Control, to inspect and assess the situation is an essential step you can take toward getting rid of the problem. Notify your tenants that bed bugs have been spotted in the building, and provide notice of when the pest control team will be out to inspect. You'll need to check with state and local regulations to ensure you've given all tenants enough notice so they can provide access to their homes. Start with inspecting the apartment where the bed bugs were reported, but be sure to have every apartment, along with all hallways and shared spaces, inspected.

Arrange For Furniture Disposal

Furniture that is infected with bed bugs and can't be salvaged should be disposed of properly. This can be a difficult process for apartment dwellers, but you can make the process easier. Partner with your trash removal company or a junk removal service to arrange pickup of these items for all affected residents. This will save your tenants time and money while helping to keep the bed bug problem from growing worse. It also demonstrates a level of compassion your renters may truly appreciate.

Suspend Paid Laundry Services

If your building has coin-operated laundry machines, consider disabling the pay function. Washing bedding and clothes in hot water is one way to mitigate a bed bug problem, and your tenants will likely need to do a lot of laundry to help sanitize their belongings. Making your laundry facilities free can help expedite the process and prevent your tenants from incurring costs they would not otherwise be responsible for.

Schedule Treatment And Follow-Up Inspections

After your pest control company has identified the issue and determined the proper treatment steps, you'll want to communicate this information to all of your tenants. They may want to relocate for a day or two during the pest control treatment process, so be sure to give everyone enough notice to make alternate arrangements. You'll also want to schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure the issue has been properly dealt with. In some cases, multiple treatments may be required, so let your tenants know that this is a possibility.

