Two Methods for Removing Termites From Your Home

29 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Is there evidence of termites in your home, but you're unsure of the best method to get rid of them? Know that there are going to be two types of methods recommended by pest control professionals. Here is what you need to know about both of these options. 

1. Whole-Home Termite Eradication

The best method to ensure that termites will be gone for good is with whole-home termite eradication. This will require tenting off your home to apply a heat or fumigation treatment. Either type of procedure is going to reach every square foot of your home, which is how it ensures that all the termites will be killed off when the treatment is finished.

The problem with fumigation is that it does require that you leave your home for an extended time. You'll also need to do a lot of preparation before the fumigation happens. For example, you should remove your food from your home, shut off your utilities, and leave open all closets, doors, and drawers.

You'll only be able to return to your home after a couple of days have passed. This means that you need to plan for a place to live during this time since you can't enter your home to get things that you may have left behind. 

2. Local Termite Treatment

The alternative option is to use a local treatment method, which is when a termite control product is applied to the affected areas. While this can be a more affordable option than a whole-home treatment, know that it is not a guarantee that you'll eradicate termites from your entire home with a local treatment method. 

An example of a local treatment method is using bait, which is essentially a poison that you place for termites to eat in the affected area. Over time, the bait will kill off the termites after they have ingested it. Another method is to spray down the affected areas with a pesticide designed to kill termites or inject problem areas with a foam that will do the same thing. The soil can also be treated around a home with a pesticide that will kill off the termites and they enter and leave your house. 

Some homeowners decide to try a local treatment first to see if that fixes the problem. If not, they'll try a whole-home treatment to ensure that the job is done properly and the termites are gone for good. Learn more by contacting termite extermination companies. 
