2 Tell-Tale Signs It's Time For Bed Bug Control

21 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Bed bug infestation is a common problem in the United States, affecting 1 in every 5 households every year. While these pests don't transmit diseases, they cause a wide variety of negative economic, physical health, and mental health consequences.

For instance, a bed bug bite can cause allergic reactions while people living in infested homes experience elevated levels of insomnia and anxiety. Since getting rid of these pests isn't easy, it's important to call a reputable pest control service if you suspect an infestation in your home.

What Are the Signs of Bed Bug Infestation?

It isn't easy to identify bed bug infestation since they live in tiny crevices and cracks. They also like hiding in isolated and dark areas, such as wardrobes, bedside cabinets, underneath carpets, and headboard crevices.

If you think bed bugs are only found in dirty environments, then you're wrong. These pests can be found in even the cleanest of houses. They often hide during the day and only come out at night. Since bed bugs have a rapid life creation, an infestation can happen very quickly.

Here are two main signs of a bed bug infestation that you shouldn't ignore.

Extremely Itchy Skin

A bed bug bite is initially painless. However, it usually turns itchy within no time. Unfortunately, if you don't know that you've had a bed bug bite, you may think the itch is a result of other insects like mosquitoes. 

On most occasions, bed bugs bite in areas near blood vessels. Therefore, you're likely to notice red spots on various uncovered areas, including legs, hands, and neck.

A bed bug bite mark typically has the following characteristics:

  • They only appear on one side of your body.
  • They cluster around the face, ankles, arms, neck, and other uncovered areas.
  • They are characterized by a burning feeling.

If you have noticed bite marks on your skin, you should call a good pest control service for an inspection and immediate remediation.


Apart from bite marks, you should also look for blood and fecal stains in your beddings. When a bed bug bites you, it injects an anticoagulant to the host to ensure blood continues flowing. For this reason, you may bleed for some time following a bite, and you may notice bloodstains on your pajamas, sheets, or pillowcases. 

Also, since bedbugs are living creatures, they will defecate after sucking your blood all night. Hence, you will find fecal stains on sheets and around the mattress. These stains mainly look like dried blood. 

If you notice these two signs, you shouldn't try to handle the situation on your own. Spraying local pesticides may not completely eliminate bed bugs hidden in hard-to-reach places. Make sure you reach out to a local pest control service. These experts use integrated pest control methods to kill live bed bugs and their eggs. 
