How To Keep Ants From Coming Back

24 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Finding ants in your home can be really frustrating. When you finally get rid of them, whether with baits or insecticide sprays, you really want to make sure they don't come back. Here are some pest control tips that can help ensure ants don't return to your home again.

Leave some baits out.

If you purchased baits from a hardware store or home improvement store, go back and buy a couple more. If you obtained baits from a pest control company, ask them to give you a few more — or to come back and put more baits out. It may seem silly to put baits out when you don't have an active ant infestation. However, if a few ants do wander into your home, they will find these baits. This will ensure those ants die early on before they get a chance to invite other ants along and cause an all-out infestation again. 

Have your pest control company lay down a barrier.

If ants are really common where you live, then you may want to have a pest control company come lay down an insecticide barrier around your home. Basically, they will inject insecticides into the soil around your home's perimeter. If ants are roaming around and hit this barrier, they will die. As such, you should not get any ants crossing into your home, even if they are elsewhere in your yard and community.

Stick to a cleaning routine.

Chances are, you deep cleaned your home as a part of your ant eradication process. To keep ants away, you need to keep your space clean. Make a schedule to ensure you tackle tasks like vacuuming the floors, cleaning crumbs out of the cupboard, and washing dirty dishes in a timely manner. The cleaner you keep your home, the less food that ants will find to eat.

Seal up openings.

Ask a pest control contractor to walk through your home and identify areas where ants may be able to come in. They might point out crevices along the sides of your windows or cracks in your attic ceiling, for instance. You can then take action to close up these openings, keeping the ants outside where they belong.

Getting rid of ants is just step one. Make sure you also follow up with step two, which is keeping those ants away. With the advice above, doing that should be pretty easy and manageable. Ask your pest control company for more tips, if needed.
