Moth Control Strategies
Lawn moths, house moths, and gypsy moths are a few moth varieties that can damage leaves, crops, clothing, and household goods. Due to the damage and contamination possibilities that moth species present, pest control methods should be implemented on a seasonal basis.
Moth Habits
Flying insects that remain outdoors may invade tree trunks, branches, gardens, and bushes. Many moth species are pollinators and tend to perform this task in the evening. Indoor moths, also referred to as house moths, may seek clothing or textiles as a source of nutrients. Natural fibers are what moths will be drawn to. Some moth species that seek refuge indoors may invade a pantry or a kitchen. These species may consume dried goods, including grains and flour.
Moth Control Tactics That You Can Use
An aerosol or liquid spray can be used to control moths outdoors. Mothballs and barriers can be used to control moths that make their way indoors. Moths are drawn to lighting. Just because a specific moth species may be noted for eating leaves and other outdoor materials does not mean that a moth will not attempt to enter a residence. Turning off porch lights when they are not needed can help repel moths. Closing windows and doors will also ward off moths.
Moth Control Tactics That A Pest Control Company Uses
A pest control specialist can aid with moth mitigation methods. A specialist who has had training in identifying moths will use targeted products for a particular species. The products that are used indoors or in a garden may be made with environmentally safe ingredients that are biodegradable. A chemical pest product can be used in areas where humans or pets will not be spending time.
Moths may be more prevalent at a specific time of the year. Some species may become a year-long problem. Moths that have made themselves comfortable indoors or species that live in a region that experiences warm autumns and winters may be present during each season. If you live in a zone where moths are a pest and you have noticed moths congregating outdoors or indoors, you may want to set up a contract with a pest control technician.
A contract that lists services for flying bugs may cover pest control strategies that will reduce a moth population from your property. Some pest control companies may offer a payment plan, which will allow a client to receive recurring pest control services that can each be paid separately.
Reach out to a company like Command Pest Control to learn more.