Soil Injection For Termite Control: What Is It And How Does It Keep Termites Out Of Your Home?
Termites can cause significant structural damage to your home and your belongings if they invade, so it's important to keep them away. One of the easiest ways to prevent termites from getting inside your home is to use an injectable soil treatment, which prevents them from using underground tunnels to enter your home through tiny gaps in your home's exterior or its foundation. To learn about soil injection as a method of termite control and why it's effective, read on.
What Is Soil Injection?
Soil injection is a form of termite control used by professionals that drives concentrated insecticide deep into the soil around your foundation. A pest control technician will drive a rod deep into the soil and pump insecticide into it, causing the pesticide to spread around the soil and saturate it. This process will be repeated every few feet around your home's entire foundation, creating a complete barrier around your home that kills any termites that travel through it.
How Does Soil Injection Stop Termites From Invading Your Home?
Injecting the soil around your home with insecticide is a very effective method of keeping them away because it prevents them from using one of the main ways that they can enter your home. Termites typically live in a piece of softwood in your yard, like a rotting tree limb or dead tree stump. They'll dig underground tunnels from their nest when they're searching for food, and they can use these tunnels to gain access to your home.
When you inject the soil around your foundation with insecticide, any termite that's burrowing through it will be quickly killed. They'll no longer be able to enter your home by burrowing through the soil. Since the insecticide is deep underground, it won't be washed away by the rain, so it will remain effective for a very long time.
Soil injection isn't limited to preventing a future termite problem. It can treat an active termite infestation as well. Termites will carry food from your home back to their outside nests. If you inject the soil around your home with insecticide, it will kill any termites that are going between your home and their nest. You'll slowly eliminate all of the termites damaging your home along with the nest outside.
Finally, since the insecticide is injected deep underground, there's no residue left on the surface that could potentially harm kids or pets playing in your yard. Overall, it's an effective and safe method of termite control that can both prevent termites from invading your home and eliminate an active infestation. If you've noticed signs of termites in your home or want to prevent them from getting in, call a termite control service in your area and have them inject insecticide into the soil around your home's foundation.
For more info about termite control, contact a local company.