Seeing Ants Inside Your Home? How To Get Rid Of Them

7 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are seeing ants, this can be frustrating as they can get into anything because they are so small. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get rid of the ants, two of which are listed below.   Use Poison If you do not have small children or pets, you can use poison to kill the ants. A common poison is a thick gel that you squeeze onto something and set it on the floor. Read More 

Two Methods for Removing Termites From Your Home

29 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Is there evidence of termites in your home, but you're unsure of the best method to get rid of them? Know that there are going to be two types of methods recommended by pest control professionals. Here is what you need to know about both of these options.  1. Whole-Home Termite Eradication The best method to ensure that termites will be gone for good is with whole-home termite eradication. This will require tenting off your home to apply a heat or fumigation treatment. Read More 

One Service That You Should Always Call As Soon As You Move Into A New Home

16 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There are, understandably, a lot of things on your mind as you move into a new apartment or home. Did you remember to fill out all the correct paperwork? How early do you have to get up to get to work now? Are the local takeaway places as good as the ones by your previous place? Some of these concerns may be less pressing than others, but one that should always be a top priority is futureproofing your new home from pests. Read More 

Wildlife That Really Should Be Relocated

29 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

There's something wonderful about living in the country and watching various animals play outside your windows. You can watch the birds flit about and enjoy rabbits hopping across your yard. Not all wildlife should be this close to your home, though. Here are some animals that you really should have trapped and relocated if they start to frequent the area immediately around your house. Raccoons Raccoons are affectionately known as masked bandits, and they can be a lot of fun to watch because their little hands are incredibly agile. Read More 

5 Common Ant Entrance Points Into the Home

3 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Most people are aware that ants come into the home to seek out food and water, but how they get in can be a bit of a mystery. Successful extermination in part depends upon closing up any entrance points.  1. Thresholds and Seals One of the more common entry points for ants is the small gaps around windows and doors. They can squeeze beneath a door if there is any gap between the threshold strip and the door or even the threshold and the floor beneath. Read More